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All information about the phone number 8501919999509 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

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C50 - auto sms10-03-2017 г.
This is the massage for warning. You are being sued as a crime number. You are related to the a case of trading private information. xxxx-xxx-681.
Виктор09-05-2020 г.
Внимание мошенник! +38(066)747-60-80 Нестеренко Андрей Александрович из г. Киев. Заказал комплект дисков с резиной. Многократно утверждал, что боится производить предоплату и 100% заберёт товар, т.к. имеет разобранную машину и ему срочно нужны колёса. После отправки товара без предоплаты, Нестеренко Андрей благополучно внёс мой номер в чёрный список. Спустя 5 дней удалось дозвониться с другого номера. На вопрос "будем ли оплачивать пересылку" цинично ответил "наверное нет". Лицо мошенника: Тел. мошенника +38 (066) 747-60-80, 0667476080, +380667476080 Копия ТТН: Сумма ущерба составила 1032 грн (пересылка товара из г. Днепродзержинск в Киев и обратно). Прошу максимально распространить информацию о данном человеке!
pimp11-06-2018 г.
look i dont know who you are but you need to stop calling. im tired of my friends phone going off in the middle of the night. because some person cant tell what time it is here. how can you even call yourself a person do to the fact you are messing up a family. you need to tell him the truth that you are just using him. because its all going to come out in the end, so be a smart girl and tell the truth and let him get on with his life. you dont love him god knows he dont love you. so do him a favor and just go away change your numbers and never contact my boys family again.
shaira bernardo22-08-2016 г.
honey, how are you??ill do everything impossible just to reach you,,plzzzzzzzzzzzz update im so worried about you,,and tell me how can i reach you regularly like before
Daniel ten Hoopen20-10-2020 г.
To whom belongs this number?
MOHAMED09-06-2016 г.
je veux savoir a qui appartient ce numero +212661734984 ittissalat almaghreb
Barry Herman06-12-2017 г.
Phone survey scammer