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All information about the phone number 56992200830 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

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Edin Ajvazi08-06-2023 г.
I didn’t get messages
YAŞAR DURSUN13-06-2016 г.
DATE: the 2016 FROM MR. COLLINS MURRAY. / MRS. MALILIANA HEAD OF FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY INVESTIGATION OF ALL THE PENDING PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT BARCLAYS BANK, UK. Ref: Payment File: Owing to numerous complaints from many beneficiaries across the globe as a result of the failure of concerned payment financial committees set up in the past by IMF and WORLD BANK to effect the payment of their outstanding funds such as Contract Payment, Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards among others, World Financial Service Authority(FSA) has set up this team called FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY INVESTIGATION AND SETTLEMENT TEAM, UK to ensure that all the pending payments are paid out in 2016 and beneficiaries receive their funds without further hassles. It may interest you to know that following our investigation into the numerous complaints, your name/file and email address and your previous generation was found among the beneficiaries who have not received their funds due to the fact that they did not have payment that was demanded by them and from our findings your fund and its accrued interest is 5.5million GBP. Stop communicating with any bank or any office claiming to help you to get your Inheritance fund or the lucky lotto prize or any contract payment. The only fee that you will have to pay is for the DHL service who will deliver your card or your check directly to you in your country but if you want T.T transfer then you will have to pay for the non residence clearance document which will not cost you a lot as this is an inheritance fund. We will organise you a DHL. We have already decided to created you a website where you can check your card and see that it is working. Here is the website and your card Number: The IIN/BIN Number 453979 was successfully found in our database. Here are the full information. (1) Your full name (Surname first):- (2) Current Residential Address:- (3) (3) Phone, Fax and Cell Phone:- (4) Profession, Age and Marital Status:- (5) Company/Business Name: - (6) Your Private Email Address (If any):- =============================================================================== them right Here is the email address for you to email us the information: E-mail: Kindly confirm the picture of this fund.
Audrey brodeur13-04-2017 г.
Salut Annika ! Alors je me présente, je m’appelle Audrey Brodeur, j’ai 15 ans, et je suis une étudiante à la Villa Sainte-Marcelline à Montréal. Aujourd’hui en classe, on a reçu nos correspondantes allemandes, et donc je voulais t’écrire! En fait, je suis vraiment contente, parce que mes amies seront dans la même école (Malaurie St-amour Bilodeau, Charlotte Pontevia, et Sophia-Rose Delage)! Et toi, as-tu des amies qui participent à l’échange ? Parlant d’école, je suis vraiment contente que tu aimes la biologie, parce que moi aussi! En fait, je suis bonne dans tout ce qui est scientifique. D’ailleurs, à mon école, on a vraiment beaucoup de devoirs ! (et aussi je suis assez têtue et je veux avoir des 100% partout, ce qui n’aide pas!). Et toi, est-ce que tu travailles beaucoup pour l’école? Moi en fait, j’essaie de me forcer, parce que dans le futur je voudrais étudier en médecine, ce qui est très demandant… Et toi, que veux-tu devenir? Aussi, je voulais te dire que moi aussi j’ai un chien (un Jack Russel qui s’appelle Peanut, je sais ce nom est un peu étrange mais bon…). En fait, elle est gentille mais elle devient parfois folle en voyant des écureuils! Parlant d’animaux, moi aussi je voudrais devenir végétarienne, mais ma mère refuse :(… Un jour je pourrai! Bref, je ne veux pas que ce message soit trop long, je voulais simplement te dire un premier bonjour! J’espère que tu t’amuses bien en ce moment (nous on est enfin en vacances de Pâques, et toi?). xxx Audrey
Максим17-05-2019 г.
Мне звонил этот абонент
Noori19-08-2021 г.
i recieed a miss call from this number. i am Noori from Afghanistan, may i help you
Ľubomíra14-08-2017 г.
Please tell who she is and where the phone number comes from: +447424621526 Thank you
Ronny Patel30-06-2016 г.
hiiii i wanna informed u that ur last semester coudnt br submit in our offc