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1. Rahul23-01-2017 г.
This no use fake id of my sister in whtsap and do chat wid her frnds and use bad bad words plz find the owner of this no... plzz
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All information about the phone number 447438752175 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

veer05-09-2016 г.
text a number without good reason and telling rubbish punishment should be given
Alisa.23-06-2016 г.
Hello, How are you doing nice meeting you my name is Mrs,Alisa Mrs.Alisa,
Ali ayek20-04-2018 г.
مرحبا انتبهو من موقع علي بابا لقد قمت بشراء طيور من تاجر اسمه dmatrey pavel انا يكذب على الناس وكلمني عبر وتس اب وارسلت اليه 800 دولار ثمن الطيور وهوا الان في المانيا الاكوال تحولت الى رجل تركي اسمه paul انتبهو ايها الناس انه يدعي يعمل في مزرعة طيور في المانيا منطقة دايزل
Citizen23-04-2016 г.
May the owner of this number SMS this number through your friend_s mobile to get back this phone? You lost your phone. SMS only from a number that is saved in your phone_s addressbook. All other numbers will be ignored.
rajagopal20-07-2016 г.
i want to know thw status this number using person is in delhi for visa process
evelina28-09-2016 г.
ays hamaric indz sms ekav, ev indz qcecin chorni spisok,, shat kuzem imanal ova
Carlos27-11-2019 г.
me podría ayudar enviándome el código porfavor necesito recuperar ese correo, muchas gracias