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All information about the phone number 22964996232 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

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balcaen20-12-2017 г.
ESTA ES UNA ASOCIACIÓN CRISTIANA FORMADA PARA AYUDAR Esta es una asociación cristiana formada para ayudar a la gente en las necesidades, como la ayuda financiera. Así que si usted está pasando por dificultades financieras o que en cualquier lío financiero, y necesita los fondos para poner en marcha su propio negocio, o necesita préstamo para liquidar su deuda o pagar sus cuentas, iniciar un buen negocio,o que tienen dificultades para obtener préstamos de capital de los bancos locales, en contacto con nosotros hoy a través de correo electrónico: ( la Biblia dice: "Mateo 7/7Todo el mundo que pide, recibe; el que busca encuentra y al que llama, la puerta se abrirá". Así que no dejes que estas oportunidades pase usted por que Jesús es el mismo ayer, hoy y para siempre. Que Dios le bendiga
Jaideep agarwal 22-05-2018 г.
I also faced the same thing. She arrived from london to delhi to meet me. At the airport emigration officer a lady called me that the passenger whose name is emily mia had a 200000 GBP demand draft so you have to pay around 140000 and emily mia has paid 105000 out of her pocket, now remaining you have to pay to clear her at emigration. I paid 25000. After that again they called me that for RBI clearance you have to pay 89000 more. But this time i denied because i did not had that much amount. After that they told me they will deport her. Emily mia talked to me for 2 days after reaching london and after that when i asked for my money back she blocked me on whats app and facebook. Finally i lost my 25000
Fra16-03-2017 г.
Hi, brauchen Sie evtl. Violine-Noten von "Long Long Ago", falls Sie das Stück am Freitag,17.02.17,11:30 noch spielen?
Yanet10-04-2017 г.
Hola quisiera saber de quien es este numero me a estado acosando sin parar
Асани22-10-2021 г.
Този абонат е лъжец и измамник не купувайте и не се доверявайте за нищо на него.
Francis15-08-2023 г.
i need my number back
fatima19-01-2017 г.
I want to now the address of this number and location