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All information about the phone number 12423570000 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

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Abu Ben Booby21-07-2022 г.
Got called by a smooth talking female from 0433847899 or +61433847899 which is an Australian cell number wanting to organize a super comparison. I played along and deliberately gave her untrue information to waste their time. In the end I did tell them that all super scams end up in the thiefs crypto currency wallets which then make funds untraceable. I am waiting for a call from one of their genius financial advisers who will pitch me a harebrained scheme about locking in my super balance for 15 years while earning a farcical 45 percent return. Be extremely cautious about super scams and NEVER give them your true information. Block and report to Cyber police and Interpol.
dani garcia23-06-2017 г.
my dear recive your message, i miss you, i hope than you is fine,please write me all time, i will see you again,, i love so much, salute for you mom and claudia ,find me in facebook,
prince sam02-07-2016 г.
im in dubai now so i reset my pasword so i forgot it so i want to read the code number they sent to this number
THIS IS A SPAMMER31-07-2017 г.
Felipe Rojas 15-02-2020 г.
Consiguieron mi número de telefono y me llamaron desde este número +584241796752 movistar Venezuela, me dijeron mi nombre con apellido y todo, el muchacho se identificó como el tren de Aragua, cuando le pregunté que querían, me dijo que me llamaban para decirme que sabían todo lo de mi familia que lo iban a secuestrar, allí lo comencé a insultar, no dejando lo terminar, corte y ya, trataron de contactarme de nuevo y no conteste. Ahora bien trate de denunciar este número, en la compañía de Movistar, CICPC, Fiscalía y cantv, lamentablemente no hay Manera de reportar o denunciar estos, hechos, por eso es que acudó a esta página a dejar establecido con acontecido por si a otro lo llegan a contactar con este mismo número, ya este este historial y sirva para un caso de investigación.
tiero gabou guy roger05-07-2016 г.
salut ces chiky svp ces juste pour la puce je nes que ça qui me reste si jais perdu tout ces 424 contacte je suis foutur svp pardonner et soyer aimable avec moi et je vous sérrer reconnaissance merci et bonne soirée a vous
amir30-07-2016 г.
who are u. timi ko hau. please tell me...........