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1. Anush Kalyan16-02-2017 г.
My friend getting call from this number when she answer who ever disconnecting. After 12 am
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All information about the phone number 96599988332 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Irfan alam07-08-2020 г.
this user has written some rubbish things on his wall about my sister. so we want to know all detail about him. kindly,please provide me that. Thank u
Dante Wong21-03-2019 г.
This phone number will be called from 2 pm to 5 pm, then harassment will be heard after answering, then cancel the call and harass at Whatsapp.
Микола Тарасюк-Долгорукий06-01-2020 г.
Випадково переказав на цей номер 80гр,помилився в одній цифр і! І в і писав смс,нуль емоцій! Наскільки ж безпринципною особою треба бути,щоб за 80 гр.стирати свою особистість...яка Європа?????
Md.Rayhan 03-03-2017 г.
I want to know about the user of the number. Please! help me to find out the owner of the number.
Ranko24-10-2018 г.
I am in roaming with my number from Serbia. I use +48607249852 in Poland Thanks
Eleonora Dimitrova04-11-2021 г.
Hello, I live in Bulgaria and I had a call from 40721217315, speaking a lot in Romanian language. Please identify this number and let me know. Already a second time I have similar story from Romanian number. Thanks a lot!! Eleonora
Abi07-05-2020 г.
Beaware, this person is fraud and crook.