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All information about the phone number 8618900000022 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

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Ari Kay Meta20-01-2020 г.
Some Infidel telemarketer selling his western wares. Time waster infidel telemarketer. allahoakbar
yanyan22-08-2016 г.
good day! i was very curious if where did u get my number my Philippine mobile number. u keep asking me to go to the bank to get the money.
LAO GAN MA26-04-2023 г.
Another charity buffoon
selam husen21-11-2022 г.
information about this namber
Nunu17-06-2016 г.
I got a miss call from this number around about 01H40am today so I would like to know who are you
Ppm18-07-2019 г.
Este número de teléfono es de personas que buscan robarse su dinero. Pertenece a orange tunisie....Lo llaman con un número francés diciéndole que ha ganado un premio de 1500 euros y le dan a elegir entre efectivo o un objeto..luego le dan este número para que llame y le sale primero una contestador y luego un hombre que le hace preguntas por el digo de billete ganador y le pregunta su nombre con intervalos largos. No llamarlos ni dar ninguna información. Estos un número de tarifa especial y la estafa esta en hacerlo esperar mientras usted gasta dinero en la llamada.
Krister Angelo Nicolas03-01-2017 г.
This mobile number has been reported to the Ministry of Interior for fraudulent use.