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Recent comments:

1. Piedad 24-02-2020 г.
Mandaron WhatsApp’s para confirmar datos que según es una empresa de envíos Aramex y que querían confirmar datos para entregar un paquete en mi casa y en mi ciudad no se conoce esa compañía
2. Piedad 24-02-2020 г.
Me dicen que es una compañía de envíos Aramex y en mi ciudad no existe esa compañía
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All information about the phone number 4915218914298 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Pablo10-07-2020 г.
This guys told me he give me weed but he gave me dandelions. Im sorry man, you made me do this
Yimer eshetu08-06-2019 г.
place call and give my identtiy
Heni Abou el Seoud12-12-2016 г.
Hello! You tried to call me today. May I know who am I talking with and how can I help you? Heni
rosa18-01-2017 г.
tanto que tu priva aqui en europa en tu pais no tienes nada tu misma madre dice que tu no tienes nada deja eso bulto que tu haces de millonaria que no te luce rullia
Mario nadeau07-11-2016 г.
salut appel moi quand tu le pourras 418 435 5119 bye
Bosnjak21-09-2017 г.
ich möchte wissen wer ist der Besitzer für o.g. Telefonnummer, Danke, MfG Bosnjak
Uros03-02-2023 г.
99% sure this one is scammer.