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1. Илья24-10-2018 г.
Добрый день. Это Кочетов Илья. Менеджер компании KMK Glass (Автостёкла). Около года назад мы с Вами общались на счёт автостёкол. Остаётся ли вопрос актуальным? Как можно с Вами связаться? Мой мобильный номер +7-961-630-35-19. Так же со мной можно связаться в любой соц.сети или любом мессенджере.
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Information about the comments

All information about the phone number 40774023259 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Siva09-06-2016 г.
Received a missed call from your number, may i know who you are?
aasim khan21-06-2016 г.
Aasim mahreeh brother Mr Tariq I need your email address, your legal name, with UK ID, Your address, your international bank account number.
orlando Palomeque28-05-2018 г.
me han llamado de este numero,mi nombre es Orlando Palomeque
Gergana Lazarova Veleva 08-06-2023 г.
Може ли да ми кажете кой в на името номера
Uchenna 15-06-2016 г.
I lost connection with this number. I hope this works in reconnecting me with you. Uche
Hamid08-09-2016 г.
Bjr Je demande le nom de propriété de numéro Merci
a3x16-06-2020 г.
Potential scammer asking about banking information.