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1. Димитър23-08-2018 г.
Получих на два пъти в разтояние на 2 месеца обаждане от този номер посред нощите. На другия ден, като се свързах с въпросния човек той отговори , че може би е грешка. Супер ТЪПАНАР!
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All information about the phone number 359897058992 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Shade27-06-2016 г.
This person is a criminal, wanted by the police in Lagos and Abuja
efy16-12-2018 г.
stupid. spam
baudilio30-11-2016 г.
Por favor averiguar que pasa con este celular, lleva días inactivado y queremos saber si le pasó algo a la persona responsable del mismo por favor. estoy desesperado, ya no sé que mas hacer
Habtom26-03-2019 г.
Dear Mr. Eyob, This is Habtom from Eritrea my email address is Thanks, Habtom
前擁有者13-03-2017 г.
你好 我是這支號碼的前擁有者 希望你能幫忙我 我的email是 因為要復原一隻帳號需要用到 所以要你的幫忙 請聯絡我!
xxxxxx13-06-2016 г.
لو لم تنتهى من الحديث مع النساء ساقول لمراتك انك بتكلم نساء من ورها على الفيس يوميا وتتصل بهم وانا عارفة كل بياناتك يامنافق
Tip22-12-2019 г.