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1. karen08-12-2018 г.
This is a scammer that has been calling me and asking for money for over 6 months. Goes by the name of James Naso
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All information about the phone number 2347069378854 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

dave28-10-2020 г.
left 7 sec of silence on my answering machine, when I phoned back it said it was the progressive conservatives of canada
Светлин Ватов26-06-2018 г.
Внимание, вероятно са телефонни измамници! Опитват се да разберат името ми. Когато не им кажеш, започват да те заплашват. Когато ги питаш от къде се обаждат, затварят телефона. Звъня им пак, отговаря като от фирма с представяне, но сякаш докато го казва има филтър, който прави невъзможно да разбереш името.
sanjib06-06-2016 г.
He continue call my wife and my wife felling distrub please withdraw this number as per my complain.
Ľubomíra14-08-2017 г.
Please tell who she is and where the phone number comes from: +447424621526 Thank you
Bas de Bas13-10-2016 г.
This number send you fake contracts, payments etc.
نياك أمك 02-09-2016 г.
لو تكرر اتصال بانيك اهلاتك وكل بنات الحداء يا سكران
Rahaman26-09-2016 г.
Dear Mr./Ms., I have received a miss call from you. But I can not recognize you. Please confirm me who is there and how may I help you. My number is +8801920837482. Best regards,