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Recent comments:

1. Enrico28-03-2020 г.
Chiama ogni tanto con sms che indica di ricaricare il cellulare in quanto è esaurita la ricarica,magari effettuata 10gg prima!
2. Enrico28-03-2020 г.
Chimano di solito anche con sms per indicare di ricaricare il quanto il credito è esaurito
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All information about the phone number 21690372005 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Shadab20-09-2017 г.
Plz send me details of the person who is using this phone number and also all personal and professional details of the person
sikhar thapa21-08-2017 г.
he is a lier.he told us for job vaccancy and ask some amount of money and we gave by trusting him. after geeting money he didnt contact us
ahmd28-09-2016 г.
hi can you text me?? or on whatsapp +905348224774
tanzil17-03-2017 г.
the owner of this number is very polite while speaking and he is far more better than my boyfriend he can do anything he helps me alot
Илья24-10-2018 г.
Добрый день. Это Кочетов Илья. Менеджер компании KMK Glass (Автостёкла). Около года назад мы с Вами общались на счёт автостёкол. Остаётся ли вопрос актуальным? Как можно с Вами связаться? Мой мобильный номер +7-961-630-35-19. Так же со мной можно связаться в любой соц.сети или любом мессенджере.
Raksha NM30-05-2023 г.
I am getting messages from this number saying from FBI , Is that true?
A NL citizen14-10-2016 г.
This person uses the mobile phone to make fun of other people.