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1. anthony snow23-09-2016 г. hi s*xy mashama stewart how i got u name n number is a mystery but dont b worried im jus u secret admirer sry 2 startle u dont b scared im nt d weirdo stalker kind jus i like u bad..i use to live in POS a while back but moved to trincity...if u curious about me plz plz plz check me out on Facebook at anthony snow i have on a white vest im fair skin n indian..thanks babe sry if u worried but don b i jus wana get in touch with u |
2. anthony snow23-09-2016 г. yo no disrespect i thought u were d girl me friend say wa me school ting...this as*hole gimme d wrong number i go buss up this idiot he take me for a fool...yo no disrespect ..this as* tell me d gal i use to like back in school name mashama he is a as*hole. n he gimme your number i go buss he as* |
Валери16-01-2017 г. Мило знам че каквото и да правя ти е все едно.Това е най голямата ми любов в жалкия ми живот а ти с лека ръка просто ме махна.Никога няма да спра да те обичам.Не знам как издържаш без да погледнеш изобщо дали нещо съм написал.Защо се криеш зад блокажа отвсякъде а не застанеш като голям човек да разговаряш.От какво те е страх мило? |
Us citizen07-07-2017 г. SCAMMER just looking for money. |
Peter07-11-2018 г. Hello, yesterday evening you are calling on the call nr. +421907692504, can you explain me why? Thank you |
pablo23-03-2017 г. I received a miss call from this number, could you please call me back ? |
Vlastislav07-09-2016 г. Good morning,
please send your inquiry on below mail:
I am looking forward to our future collaboration, have a nice day. |
Sabir05-07-2017 г. I have received annoying whatzupp message from this number on4thJuly2017.
Can I get the detail of the person who is using this number as whatsupp ID. |
landdevelopers10-06-2016 г. Land available near oragadam. Patta and registration free. 9677333294 |