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Information of +12043268190

Variations of phone numbers: +1(204) 326-8190, (204) 326-8190, 204-326-8190, +1 204-326-8190 or 1 204 326 8190
Possible Locations:

Recent comments:

1. Serge Magloire Gbokou12-10-2016 г.
Dear Sir, Madam, We have recently received a man named Ndikumbazungu Martin (Refugee from Burundi). The man lives in DR Congo for decades. Apparently part of his family is living in Manitoba-Canada. His sister living in Manitoba is Marguerite NKURIKIYE (80 B 047628700). According to Martin , his sister Marguerite and Him were accepted to go to Canada since 2007. His sister went to Canada , but as the wife of Martin was about to deliver they could not travel. Martin is looking for an E-mail address in order to contact the appropriate Canadian migration officers and to relaunch his case. Thank you in advance for the information you can provide to us. Yours sincerely, Serge
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All information about the phone number 12043268190 is based on the feedback left by the users of our site. The content of the reviews contains a real user experience with a phone number. Please leave your feedback about this phone number if you know its owner or you had an incoming call from this phone number so that you can help more people. We hope that the information on the site will protect you from fraudsters and other unpleasant situations!

Recent comments on other numbers:

Stg26-08-2019 г.
Unwanted call whos this
Slei Ali08-07-2020 г.
Hello, please help me to know who is the user of this mobile number so urgent, because it is sends me scam emails, thanks
Angi Petrova07-06-2016 г.
Благодаря за проявения интерес към моето твор4ество. О4аквам Вашето писмо на посо4ения електронен адрес! Хубав ден и много усмивки! Поздрави А.Петрова
hacker21-02-2017 г.
you are wanted to Interpol please viset us
arnel benocilla30-07-2016 г.
Mang...tawag beh,,dli ko katulog..tungod ato,,imo gisulti..
Rainer Ubrig11-02-2017 г.
Suspected to be a scammer
Hamba Allah10-03-2019 г.
Menerima panggilan dibuat menggunakan mesin suara dan mendakwa dari mahkamah majesterit dan utk mendapatkan keterangan lanjut diminta untuk tekan 0 kemudian panggilan diputuskan

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